Yves Rocher

Yves Rocher promoted a new line of anti-aging care products in its display campaign, aiming to raise awareness within a specific audience and increase online sales on the website. Various IAB sizes were used with the Cube component implemented in the rich media creatives, allowing users to explore the main message about the new products, discover their benefits, and learn about optimal usage

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SuperPharm Simple
Israeli’s top pharmaceutical company, SuperPharm, presents...
Master Chef Israel
Another outstream rich media campaign for the trending...
Samsung TV Israel
This Samsung creative shows off the beauty of big sizes:...
Max Savings
One of the leading Israeli financial companies –...

Those creatives were created by Somplo Creative Management platform. Want to try it too?

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30 Shacham, 1st Floor,
Petah Tikva,
Israel 4951726, IL

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Office 104,
Odessa, UA

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30 Shacham, 1st Floor,
Petah Tikva,
Israel 4951726, IL

Henuezka 5/2,
Office 104,
Odessa, UA