Nicole Car

Nicole Cars is promoting a new line of car supplements, aiming to increase brand awareness. Upon loading the first page of the rich media Interstitial, users are presented with a dirty window and a mop to simulate the cleaning process. As users interact and start cleaning the window, the dirt gradually scratches off, revealing a clean window underneath. Then, the banner transitions to the second page, displaying an image showcasing the entire product line.

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A unique and interactive solution, perfectly aligned...
Toyota was actively increasing awareness and influencing...
Lubinski Group, the leading car supplier, has a special...
Schweppes Mixology
The mix of VideoBox and Carousel was a perfect combination...

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30 Shacham, 1st Floor,
Petah Tikva,
Israel 4951726, IL

Henuezka 5/2,
Office 104,
Odessa, UA

Contact Us

30 Shacham, 1st Floor,
Petah Tikva,
Israel 4951726, IL

Henuezka 5/2,
Office 104,
Odessa, UA