Mastercard Days Autumn

Mastercard Day is back with a monthly campaign and special offers for card holders. One of the Interstitials contains an explanatory in-banner video showing the offer’s details and benefits. Discounts, cashback, special offers – all of this you can find in Carousel and Card Swipe creatives. Carousel lets you go through the main list of propositions, while Card Swipe enables you to choose if you like or dislike each proposal.

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Those creatives were created by Somplo Creative Management platform. Want to try it too?

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Petah Tikva,
Israel 4951726, IL

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Office 104,
Odessa, UA

Contact Us

30 Shacham, 1st Floor,
Petah Tikva,
Israel 4951726, IL

Henuezka 5/2,
Office 104,
Odessa, UA