Electra M&E Israel

Electra M&E custom Interstitial creative with gaming experience suggests users save the Earth from pollution in a fun way. That’s the way to catch users’ attention and enhance engagement!

Explore more:

Samsung Estonia
As a part of a new Z Series flagman’s launch,...
Max Summer
Max launches a rich media awareness campaign to inform...
Halperin Optica
Halperin Optica is promoting a new exclusive offer,...
Coca-Cola FIFA World Cup
Coca-Cola giving a crazy chance to football fans –...

Those creatives were created by Somplo Creative Management platform. Want to try it too?

Contact Us

30 Shacham, 1st Floor,
Petah Tikva,
Israel 4951726, IL

Henuezka 5/2,
Office 104,
Odessa, UA

Contact Us

30 Shacham, 1st Floor,
Petah Tikva,
Israel 4951726, IL

Henuezka 5/2,
Office 104,
Odessa, UA