Max Savings

One of the leading Israeli financial companies – Max, suggests users decide how much money to save with max savings service using range bar. On the client’s demand, Somplo created a custom format swiping the full-screen interstitial rich media banner that shows what you can buy with the saved money in a very appealing style. […]

Max Summer

Max launches a rich media awareness campaign to inform customers about the cashback opportunity of using the Max Card to make payment abroad. Somplo’s highly engaging Flex Parallax describes the message of the creative, with a 3D effect image of a couple on vacation abroad, and a call to action button to register and get […]

Credit Agricole

Credit Agricole Ukraine uses Somplo’s rich media Flip Parallax format to raise awareness and influence its clients’ cash loan considerations. The flip cards showcase the message of the campaign — up to 1 000 000 UAH cash loan available, a chance to enter a lottery to win a hundred thousand grivnas, and ideas on where […]

Bank Hapoalim Professionals

Bank Hapoalim, one of the leading banks in Israel, chose high-impact formats to continue its cross-channel campaign (TV, Radio, Billboard, etc..)  for promoting Poalim Pro. The formats used include: RichSlide cube, which showed the different services that they provide, RichSlide Select, which emphasized their benefits, and 50:50 which showed 2 slides of “Without mess” and […]

Mastercard Day Israel

Mastercard takes advantage of the VideoSlide format to remind users about the monthly benefits and showcase all offers at the same time. Interstitial VideoSlide Interstitial RichSlide Carousel

Cal. Israel

Cal media campaign with a reminder of their quick loans service with the very nice and eye-catching full screen in-banner video formats Interstitial 300×250 Videoboard 1 300×250 Videoboard 2

Raiffeisen bank

Bank advertising could be bright and attractive too! Raiffeisen bank proves it with eye-catching rich media creatives to increase the volume of open bank accounts using in-banner video and one of the most engaging formats – depth card. RichBox – Depth Card 300×600 300×250 VideoBox 300×600 300×250

Mastercard Israel Carousel

Mastercard Israel launches a direct rich media campaign to raise awareness about unique benefits for Mastercard holders using handy and engaging carousel format. 360 x 360 Interstitial

Visa Signature 50:50

Visa media campaign with the goal of raising the audience awareness about the Signature card possibilities. Eye-catching visual with 50:50 component did their job. 300 x 600 300 x 250

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Petah Tikva,
Israel 4951726, IL

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Office 104,
Odessa, UA