Tapuchips Israel

A long journey from a garden to the tasty potato chips on the table displayed in the Tapuchips programmatic campaign. Strong full screen experience to raise brand awareness and met media KPIs.


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Superbet Conference League
Superbet, launched an awareness campaign to draw attention...
Prada Paradoxe - SPAIN
Prada was presenting a display brand awareness campaign...
Muller Froop Shake
As part of the launch of new froop shake flavors in...
Boticario CL 16 Beauty Week - BRAZIL
Boticario’s agency, N Bids, proposed an engaging...

Those creatives were created by Somplo Creative Management platform. Want to try it too?

Contact Us

30 Shacham, 1st Floor,
Petah Tikva,
Israel 4951726, IL

Henuezka 5/2,
Office 104,
Odessa, UA

Contact Us

30 Shacham, 1st Floor,
Petah Tikva,
Israel 4951726, IL

Henuezka 5/2,
Office 104,
Odessa, UA